Wednesday, October 19, 2011

EKATVA @ Town Hall | October 22 & 23, 2011

Join us for 2 FREE special weekend performances of EKATVA in Ahmedabad, India!

EKATVA is a 90 minute dance/drama musical performed by 16 slum children, hoping to share a message of 'oneness' and universal love, to the world. A Manav Sadhna experiment, EKATVA features Sixteen children from some of the largest slums of Ahmedabad, Gujarat. They were selected through a nine month audition process, and are being trained and developed, by two mentors from Manav Sadhna and teachers from Darpana Academy, to perform a 90-minute dance-drama production sharing Gandhiji’s message of ‘Oneness’. After one year of training and development, the children will tour the show across India, the US, and the UK.

October 22 & 23, 2011 | 8PM Both Nights | FREE
Town Hall near Ellis Bridge - Ahmedabad
Google MAP:

Choreography by Mallika Sarabhai (Darpana Academy).

EKATVA on YouTube:

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Ekatva Debut Performance on Gandhiji's Birthday

It was a blessing to kick off our Ekatva Tour on Gandhiji's birthday, Oct 2nd at Natrani Theatre, in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. The kids had rehearsed til' 3am for 2 consecutive nights before in order to pull off their first performance. Everything ended up being a first. Performing with full costumes, props, etc. Not to mention many times they only had 1 minute or so to change costumes back stage before the next performance item. The show was a blessing and an amalgamation of all the children's hard work, dedication and love throughout this journey. It was a show of love. And we are blessed by the opportunity to all share in this ongoing journey of family, children and growth. Love All Serve All.